Comune di Sinnai
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Applicable Regulations

The relevant regulations about the SCI area

The relevant regulations about the SAC area

  • European Commission Implementing Decision #C(2011) 4892](2011/484/EU – 11 July, 2011, on an educational tool for sites to be included in the Natura 2000 network.
  • 92/43/EEC Directive on “Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora”, also known as the Habitats Directive. – 2009/147/EC DIRECTIVE on the conservation of wild birds, replacing the former 79/409/EEC – 2 April 1979.
  • “Convention for the Protection of Birds”, which was adopted in Paris in 1950 and implemented in Italy as Law No. 157/1992 ‘Regulations for the protection of homeothermic wild fauna and hunting’.
  • “International Convention on Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora”, signed in Washington in 1975 and ratified in Italy by L.N. 874/1975 and to which 174 countries joined in 2009.
  • “Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean” adopted in Barcelona in 1995 to replace the former “Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea” of 1976, and ratified in Italy by L.N. 175/1999.
  • “International Convention for the Protection of Migratory Species’, signed in Bonn in 1979 and ratified in Italy by Law 42/1983 also known as CMS.
  • “Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats”, adopted in Bern in 1979 and ratified by the President of the Italian Republic with L.N. 503/1981.


National and Regional Regulations

National Regulations

  • L.N. 394/91 ‘Framework Law on Protected Areas’. (Amended and updated by L.N. 172/2003);
  • L.N. 157/92 ‘Regulations for the protection of homeothermic wildlife and hunting”;
  • Presidential Decree no. 120 of 12/03/2003 amending and supplementing Presidential Decree no. 357 of 08/09/1997 regulating the procedures for adopting the measures provided by the Directive 92/43/EEC aimed at safeguarding biodiversity through the conservation of natural habitats;
  • Ministerial Decree of 3 April 2000 identifying and listing the Sites of Community Importance under Directive 92/43/EEC;
  • Ministerial Decree of 3 September 2002 of the Ministry of the Environment and Environmental Protection, Department for Environmental Conservation providing the ‘Guidelines for the management of the Natura 2000 Sites’;
  • Decision of the European Commission of 19/07/2006 and subsequent amendments “adopting the list of Sites of Community Importance for the Mediterranean Biogeographical Area as per Council Directive #92/43/EEC, ” (last updated D.M . 14/03/2011 “Fourth updated list of sites of Community Importance for the Mediterranean Biogeographical Area in Italy as provided by Directive #92/43/EEC”);
  • Ministerial Decree of 11/06/2007 concerning “Amendments to Annexes A, B, D and E of Presidential Decree #357/1997 and subsequent amendments implementing Directive #2006/105/EC which updates Directives #73/239/EEC, #74/557/EEC and #2002/83/EC on the environment following the admission of Bulgaria and Romania”;
  • Ministerial Decree of 17 October 2007 “Standard Minimum Requirements for the Establishment of Conservation Measures for Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA)” and subsequent amendments;
  • Deliberation 26/03/2008 of the Permanent Conference for the Relations between the State, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano concerning “Amendments to the deliberation 02/12/1996 of the Ministry of the Environment, on: “Classification of Protected Areas””;
  • Legislative Decree #42 of 22 January 2004 “Regulations on Cultural Heritage and Landscape” and subsequent amendments (D.Lgs. #156/2006 and D. Lgs. #157/2006, D. Lgs. #62/2008 and D. Lgs. #63/2008);


Regional Regulations

  • Regional Law 7 #31/1989 outlining the “rules for the establishment and management of a regional system of parks, reserves and natural monuments, as well as areas of special environmental and naturalistic importance”;
  • L.R. #23/1998 “Rules for the protection of wildlife and code of hunting in Sardinia”, listing endangered species under special protection (Ann.1);
  • Directive – A.D.A. Decree #27 of 27/08/2003 (BURAS issue #27 of 9/09/2003). Resolution of the Regional Council #21/61 of 16/7/2003;
  • Resolution of the Regional Council #55/7 of 29/11/05 – “Measures for the management of permanent wildlife protection and trapping oases for the protection of habitats and the restoration of destroyed biotopes as well as the creation of new biotopes;
  • Regional Council Decree #36/7 of 5 September 2006 “Approval of the Plan for Land Use – First Stage.


Other Documents

Further information

Page updated on 15/01/2025

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